Tag Archives: dog

History’s Saddest Dog


Of the many sad stories scattered throughout history, few are sadder than the tale of the Romanovs. Driven from the throne their ancestors had occupied for 300 years, they were hustled off to exile in Siberia, awakened on a muggy July night and mercilessly murdered. An entire family, and a royal legacy, passed into legend in an instant.

But one member of the household survived that slaughter. And although he didn’t witness the killings, he carried its pain to his grave.

This is the story of the ironically named Joy, history’s saddest dog. Continue reading

Sgt. Stubby, Canine Combat Hero

The Lovable Mutt That Made America Proud

Holy Cow

good-openHeroes come in many varieties. There are Super Heroes, everyday heroes, unlikely heroes and yes, even four-legged heroes. This story is from the latter category.

A while back, I told you the tale of the real-life pooch who popularized the famous saying “a dog is man’s best friend.” (Click here to read it.) Turns out a dog is a good comrade to have at your side in the thick of battle, too. Continue reading

How A Murdered Hound Became “Man’s Best Friend” (Sort of)


Our Sally. February 12, 2002 – June 26, 2015

You run a terrible risk when you welcome a dog into your life. We know they will only be with us a short while, and yet we fling our heart wide open to them anyway. Even if we tried to resist, we couldn’t: they would wiggle their way inside anyhow. And when the time comes that we must say goodbye, it hurts like a thousand darts hitting your soul.

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